happy teens

Redemption House Group Homes

About Us
Redemption House Mission Statement
At Redemption House we strive to improve the emotional, spiritual, physical, and intellectual well-being of our young men and women. We do this through a series of planned activities, good old-fashioned family values, and plenty of love.

Redemption House practices a holistic approach to care. Young boys and girls in our programs experience a well-balanced treatment plan. 

Emotional Well-Being

Self Esteem - Redemption House conducts sessions to improve self esteem. In addition, our youth may choose to participate in music, marital arts, art, dance, and other activities.

Conflict Resolution - There are sessions devoted to conflict resolution and are acceptable to express their feelings in a non-threatening environment.

Counseling - Redemption House facilitates counseling and psychiatric care for all residents. Counseling is offered on an individual, group, and family basis through The Village Network

Intellectual Well-Being

Home Schooling - all residents have the option of being schooled at Redemption House. We offer a computer based online school program with qualified staff to oversee and assist students. 

Public School - If possible, students may choose to attend the area public school, including their ED program. Other alternatives are Choffin Career & Technical Center and Youngstown Early College for incoming ninth graders where they can earn an associates degree. Summit Academy, a charter school geared towards autism and ADHD, is also an available option. 

Tutoring - is available through our staff and through programs offered at the schools.

Life Skills Programs - Youth receive training in practical skills such as home improvement, money management, housekeeping, cooking, auto maintenance and other job skills to help prepare them for solid, future employment.

Physical Well-Being

Health- Residents have access to an on-site visiting doctor and nurse through Valley Home Health Care.

Diet- Residents receive nutritious home cooked meals which they may help plan and cook. Snack food is limited.

Sports - We encourage sports-related activities for developing sportsmanship as well as physical fitness. Redemption House has a YMCA membership providing youth additional physical fitness equipment, a gymnasium, and swimming opportunities.

Spiritual Well-Being

Bible Study - Redemption House offers Bible study through-out the week. We help teach our youth about God's word and how to apply it to their lives.

Church - Residents are encouraged to attend church each Sunday.

Youth Group - Residents are encouraged to participate in group activities.

While we believe the spiritual well-being of our youth is vitally important, we recognize some may choose not to participate in these activities. At no time will we subject a child to any form of religious coercion.

Qualified Residential Treatment Program

Redemption House is QRTP Certified and as such qualifies to host residents in long term care. 

Case Management - Writing service and case plans and monitoring resident progress.

Behavior Management - Planning behavioral systems and daily monitoring of behavioral goals.

Aftercare Program - a formal aftercare plan, monthly phone calls, face to face meetings, and emergency intervention over a period of six months from discharge into a home environment.